Main Sponsors

LEGALITY AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY TWINS AUCTION MART CO. LTD is a company registered under the Companies Act, (2002) with Certificate of Incorporation number 78919 in 2010. The company holds the following legal documents issued as tools in the course of undertaking its professional duties;

  • Certificate of incorporation issued by BRELA making it a legal entity as a duly registered company.
  • An auctioneer’s General License from the Ministry of Finance and planning legalizing it to perform auctions under the Auctioneer’s Act cap 228.
  • Certificates to specified staff members as Court Brokers and Process Servers issued under the Judiciary in Tanzania to enable the company to serve as vehicles to execute the orders of the various courts in mainland Tanzania.
  • Business licenses for its head office and other branches where we have office premises that legalize the running of the day-to-day duties.
  • Taxpayer’s Identification Certificate TIN. 111-277-915 issued under the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) allowing the company to operate and issue legal receipts for its services as an entity which compliant with the tax laws.

Location and Contacts

Head Office: Nssf Building Room No.12, 13 &219 Songea, P.O.Box1305 Songea, Branch Office: Dar es Salaam,Mbeya, Mbinga and Njombe. Mobile: 0716070298/ 0754881926/ 0784718734. .Email: twinscoltd5@gmail.Com Website

Global Sponsors